Electricity at the Workplace

Electronic equipment has become deeply rooted into the modern workplace.  It is quite easy to forget how much electricity is actually used at an office on a daily basis. More specifically, people are ignorant of how much energy they are actually wasting. Paul Favret mentions that not turning off electronic devices and wasting electricity at work ultimately contribute to the damage experienced by the environment. One should aim at saving electricity at their workplace, to do their bit in reducing C02 emissions and conserving the fuel reserves. Conserving energy will also lead to better cost savings for the office.

Paul Favret talks about a few energy saving ideas for a sustainable workplace

Most people do not feel the urgency to save electricity as they do not face the immediate positive effects of doing so. However, one must understand that the world’s fuel reserves are well past their peak. If the energy consumption of people does not slow down, then energy prices will escalate. This will obviously have a negative impact on all. Conserving electricity at work is particularly important as office buildings are usually filled with electrical equipment. Such equipment can be used quite efficiently with minimal effort and cost.

HVAC systems installed in office buildings especially require a lot of energy to run. Hence, one should try to optimize the use of this system as much as possible, to keep their energy use in check. Keeping the thermostat down by just 1°c could save an office about 10% on their yearly bill.  Office buildings must keep doors and windows closed when heating a room. This will make sure that heat does not escape. However, in the spring, the windows should be kept open to avoid switching on the air-conditioner, while preventing the room from getting stuffy. An energy management system can also be used at an office building to set timers for air conditioning. This system can be programmed to turn on and off ahead of time before people get in or leave the building. Installing weather strips around windows and doors will also be a smart move. Doing so shall prevent the air from escaping, while the air conditioner is on.

A large part of the utility bills is spent on lighting. There are many offices that leave their lights on overnight and at weekends. Paul Favret mentions that this irresponsible behavior leads to huge wastage of energy and money. To lower energy consumption at a workplace, it is crucial to switch off the lights after each workday. Technology can be used to turn off lights automatically at the end of the working day. Manual overrides can always be put into place for people working overtime,

Using LED bulbs at the building will also be a great idea. LED bulbs are known to last up to 2.5x longer than CFL and 25x longer than incandescent bulbs. Natural daylight should also be used at the office as much as possible. Desks should be arranged in a manner that they are near windows. This will help in reducing the use of artificial lighting in the building.

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