Mediclaim policy

Does BMI have an impact on Mediclaim policy? The body mass index, often known as BMI, reveals a person’s fat percentage. The BMI essentially tells us whether someone is underweight, regular weight, or overweight. BMI covers a person’s weight in addition to just showing it.

The consequences on a person’s health are established based on classifications including overweight, underweight, obese, and normal.

To calculate the BMI of anyone, body mass index calculators are used online. This online tool gives an accurate BMI in a few seconds.

Pros of the body mass index calculator

The benefit of BMI is that it provides an estimate of whether the person’s weight is commensurate with their height or not. The BMI calculator helps you by giving the person’s weight-to-height ratio.

There are many benefits to using body mass index calculators. If you want to use the body mass index calculator, then you should know about its benefits.

  • It is an online free tool that gives accurate results and determines whether the person is overweight, underweight, normal, or obese.
  • It also helps your doctor understand the fat percentage in your body.
  • Through the BMI calculator, the doctor can examine the chart of your diet and start doing the routine exercises according to your diet.
  • You can get accurate results on the fat percentage from the BMI calculator, and the whole process takes a few seconds only.

How to use the BMI calculator?

It is not a tough task to calculate the EMI through the EMI calculator. You can also calculate the BMI by the manual method, in which you have to use the BMI formula and perform regular calculations.

But if you adopt the way of calculating the BMI through the BMI calculator, then you can easily perform the calculations effectively. If you want to use the BMI calculator, then you have to follow the simple steps given below.

  • Check your weight by using the weight scale. Write the values to the nearest digit.
  • Measure your height.
  • Choose your gender. Put these values into the BMI calculator.

Just follow these simple steps, and then the BMI calculator will show the results on the display of your tool. If the results show that your BMI is above or below normal, then you should go for a medical checkup immediately.

In this way, this online free tool will help you to save yourself from future trouble related to your health.

How will BMI affect your insurance plan?

A healthy body is not only meant for well-being, but it also affects other important factors in your life, such as life insurance. When you are going to buy the insurance plan, then your BMI decides the liability towards the products.

It means the healthier you are, the less premium you have to pay in exchange for the insurance loan amount.


This article explains the facts about how BMI affects your insurance plan. Hope you understand the BMI, BMI calculator, and its effects on insurance.

By admin

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